3 Economic Trends in 2019

A common myth among people is that an Economics tutor Singapore talks about things that have no relation with the real world. They think that Economics consists of arcane theories and complex calculations that hold true only in class notebooks or examination papers, but are far removed from reality. The reality, though, is quite the opposite. Every activity of our life can be explained in terms of some or the other economic theory taught in any A level Economics tuition Singapore . As we complete the first quarter of 2019, here are a few economic trends that we think will guide financial and political discourse globally. • Globalization losing its sheen – This word globalization has been the favorite of economists, politicians, and even the layman for several years now. It envisaged a world without political and trade barriers where market forces will be the only ruler, and geographic boundaries will not hamper trade. But now there is a growing tendency among citizens and politicians...